Get Guidance for Any Situation with a Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

When you are faced with a difficult decision, or you cannot understand what is happening in a relationship, or you do not know what steps to take in life, you will end up wasting a lot of energy feeling yourself. confused and stressed. And as long as you remain trapped in this dilemma, you will not allow yourself to progress or feel the happiness you deserve. What you need are answers, so you can move your situation forward now ...

The Celtic Cross Tarot Reading has exactly what you need to find clarity in the present moment. In this incredibly versatile read, 10 cards provide a greater understanding of the situation you are facing and reveal what to consider and who to align with to resolve your dilemma. When you use the advice you receive from a Celtic Cross reading, you will be able to clear up the confusion and solve your problems so you can get back to living your life.

tarot card reader in bangalore

Position 1: Own card

Your feelings and mindset, and the personal powers available to you.

No matter what situation you are currently facing, you have a life and a presence that exists outside of it. The card in the position of the Self reveals your general strengths and your state of emotions in the present moment. These are the tools you have now that can help you understand and address the problem you are facing.

Position 2: Status card

The circumstances you are currently experiencing.

When you are in the middle of a problem, your feelings and preferences skew your view of the situation. You are too close to the problem and cannot see it for what it really is, which makes it quite impossible to find a solution. The Situation card helps you see your problem more clearly from an outside perspective, so that you can identify the real problem you are facing.

Position 3: Challenges / Opportunities card

How to turn your obstacles into opportunities

Most of the challenges are actually great opportunities in disguise. The Tarot card that appears in this position warns you of the potential challenges that you face or will face in the situation at hand. It tells you what to watch out for and what you can do to make obstacles work in your favor.

Position 4: recent past card

Events that have recently affected your situation

The card in the Recent Past position explains other situations that have happened in your life lately that may be helping or hurting your current situation. In some cases there may be an obvious connection, but other times you will be surprised to find that two situations in your life are connected, or that your feelings on one issue are affecting the other ...

Position 5: higher power card

Spiritual and subconscious energies to pay attention to

Everything happens for a reason, and the card in the Higher Power position can help you understand the situation at hand from a more spiritual perspective. This card reveals the great life lessons that are available to you if you solve your problem with intention and attention.

Position 6: near future card

Upcoming events that could change your situation

What if the forecast could be 20/20? The Near Future position chart on this sheet reveals an event or experience on the horizon that could have a major impact on you. This situation can change your perspective on the situation in question, or even change the situation itself.

Position 7: Blockers and inhibitions card

Any self-weakening tendencies, areas where you are in denial or where you could get stuck

You are too smart to be the thing that stands in your way. But it can be difficult to admit that your thinking and decisions may have brought you to your current state ... This is why understanding the card in this position is so important. It will do the hard work of pointing out where you are blocking your own progress and telling you what you can do to get things moving again.

Position 8: Allies card

People who can support or help you now

The support you get from others is invaluable when faced with a difficult situation. The card that appears in the Allies position tells you exactly who you must align with in order to progress at this point. You will see who can be most helpful in getting you out of the situation you are experiencing.

Position 9: Advice card

The actions you must take to find a solution to your situation

And now for the moment you were waiting for! Now that you have a real understanding of the puzzle you are facing, the Tips card explains what you need to do to overcome this problem. This advice can lead you to a decision, a solution, or a discovery that you couldn't come up with before.

Position 10: Long-term potential card

What is possible for you with time?

Now you are on the edge of your past and your future. The card in the Long-Term Potential position reveals the possibilities that lie ahead if you follow the advice of the present moment. Even though what you are facing now seems like a problem, there are actually a lot of opportunities in it, and this card reveals exactly what that opportunity may be.

Read More:- Take Control of Your Future with a Timeline Tarot Reading


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